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Australian Taxation Office (ATO) ride-sourcing data-matching program extended

Continuing its theme of closing the tax gap of individuals for budget repair, the ATO has notified the public of the extension of an existing data-matching program on ride-sourcing.


The program was previously designed to run from the 2015–2016 to the 2021–2022 financial years, capturing information from individuals engaged in providing ride-sourcing services (through platforms such as Uber); this has now been extended to apply to the 2022–2023 financial year.

It is estimated that records relating to approximately 200,000 individuals will be obtained.

The data obtained will be used to identify and address incorrect reporting of income in terms of income tax returns and activity statements. It will also be used to identify instances where individuals fail to meet registration or lodgement obligations (eg GST).

In addition to potential compliance activities, the ATO will use the program to promote voluntary compliance, understand behaviours and compliance profiles of individuals and businesses providing ride sourcing services and obtain a holistic view of taxpayers’ income.

This particular data-matching program will not be extended beyond the 2022–2023 financial year, given the introduction of the Sharing Economy Reporting Regime, which will require operators of various electronic distribution platforms to indefinitely report identification and payment information to the ATO for data-matching purposes from 1 July 2023 for ride-sourcing and short-term accommodation, and from 1 July 2024 for all other reportable transactions.

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