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Quarter 3 of 2017
Australia's leading causes of death - ABS
How is your super going, ready for retirement?
ATO increasing data exchange with international regulators
Illegal SMSF early access scheme leads to $6,000 fine
Our 'hardest' SMSF tasks
Uber drivers hit for 10% tax
Lack of literacy promotes unrealistic goals
Taxpayer failed to prove that payments were “loans”
New STP dates confirmed as ATO goes on compliance blitz
ATO flags compliance project for FY17/18
Items that heat up your depreciation deductions
Doing a budget is a good idea but ....
Government ‘undermines’ tax system in new moves on property expenses
Taxpayer denied deduction for work expenses of $60,000
Overtime meal expenses disallowed because no allowance received
Key Economic Indicators, 2017
Government to shut down salary sacrifice loophole
Crowdfunding legislation gets greenlight
ATO heavyweight responds to hacking fears
Checklist - Individuals Tax Returns - 2017
Checklist - Tax time 2017 - Company, Trust & Partnership
Checklist - Superannuation Funds - 2017
ATO to ramp up scrutiny of $20K tax break use
Australia's leading causes of death - ABS

Not the sort of topic one might normally come across but keeping an eye on the 'big' picture is always good for keeping things in perspective.  Census data from 2006, 2010 and 2015.


Please click on the following link to view content, data and charts on this topic.  Information is supplied by the ABS.

Australia's leading causes of death. Census data from 2006, 2010 and 2015.

Source:  ABS


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